Why, when, and how to use a play yard for your baby:


Unless you plan on “wearing” your baby all day (also known as “slinging” your baby — an attachment parenting practice that we have no judgement against, but just doesn’t match our parenting style), you’ll need places in your home to put him down during some of his awake times and the play yard is the perfect place to do this! Unlike the swing, bouncer, or lounger, the play yard offers your baby the opportunity to explore a large area on his own and this is vital to learning the skill of self-play. Plus it will help your baby develop the “cruising” skill (holding on to furniture while standing up and moving along). All this and you can be assured that your baby is safely contained while you get other chores or some work done at the same time!


-It keeps pets and/or other children away from your baby. 

-It keeps the sprawl of toys somewhat contained. 

-It serves as a “holding area” while you get everything ready to transport your baby to the car.

-You can also use it temporarily to block off stairs, a fireplace, or any room you don’t want your baby to access while he’s still young enough not to be able to pull it down.

-It’s lightweight and portable so you can transport it to your backyard, the park, or even the beach.

-*Holiday Bonus* Put it around your Christmas tree during the holidays to keep your baby (and your pets) from breaking ornaments, accessing wrapped presents, and/or pulling down the tree!


Start using a play yard once your baby starts to sit up on his own.  This way he can crawl and explore the toys and books you’ve put in there for him. You can continue to use the play yard for years after that — even when you just leave it open.


Purchase a play yard online and have it shipped to your home. We really like the 8 Panel North Gates Superyard in the neutral off-white color, although it also comes in a cute multi-color version. This creates a large (but totally malleable) space in your living room that your baby will love. Get creative with your space options and make it into a large rectangle (one panel on each long side) or a triangle shape to fit in a corner of the room. Of course, if you can’t afford the space you can always purchase the 6 panel play yard instead.


Rotate the toys and books you put in the play yard every so often for your baby to keep it fresh and fun. We like to also attach crib toys to the sides of it for extra baby sensory entertainment (like this Kick-n-Play Piano). And get in there yourself too! It’s a perfect place to play together because it focuses your baby’s attention on what’s in front of him.

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If the room where you will place the play yard is carpeted — great! If not, purchase a play mat that fits in the space. Here are some really cute play mat options from Tadpoles:

Brown & Blue play mat


Hearts and Stars play mat

Paw Print play mat

Transportation play mat


Related Posts: How to Build Stronger Babies, Baby Places, Baby Playtime Activities, Toy Safety

