Organizing the nursery was my absolute favorite pregnancy activity. I spent hours sitting in there, fantasizing about what it would be like when we would finally bring our son home and how we would interact together in that one little room. I loved measuring for space, decorating everything, and finding deals on Craigslist, eBay, and Etsy. I would constantly move things around and most of the time end up moving them back to their original spot! It was comforting and exciting to just be in there and several times my husband would catch me sitting in there alone, looking around and listening to the crib soother (see crib soother post).

Because I spent so much time thinking, buying, organizing, and completing the nursery; I was really well-prepared for my son’s arrival — so much so that my husband and sister could hardly believe it! They asked me how I seemed to just know what we’d need. I felt a bit impressed with myself, but really I think it was just all of the falls I spent decorating and organizing my classroom that made it so easy and fun.  And just like preparing a classroom, the time you spend upfront is time you won’t have to spend once the kids arrive!

~Whitney xo

Here are our Top 15 nursery organizational must-haves for your nursery:

1. A Scheduling Log

2. Pens/Pencils

3. Sound Machine inside a bedside table organizer basket

4. A white board, a chalkboard, or a bulletin board

5. Changing table attachments (diaper stacker bag, baskets, & organizer)

6. Closet organizers (hanging organizer, storage bins, drawers, & high shelving)

7. Velvet baby hangers (for shorts, pants and skirts) and plastic baby hangers

8. Clothes Dividers

9. Clothes Hamper

10. A toy storage chest (doubles as bench for extra parent seating!)

11. Clothing storage box or bags (for under the crib)

12. A wall clock

13. A magazine wall rack or a couple of book slings for children’s books

14. A book tote/caddy to hold library books (take it with you to the library too)

15. Small shelves with hooks or knobs (can display pictures and keepsakes, plus hang bath robe, towel, hat, bibs)